Living (in) Future Cities
Exhibition at MUHBA Oliva Artés
Every year, the Institute organizes a public event to showcase the best projects of its international researchers, coming from all over the world to Barcelona to attend its Master programs: Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA), Master in City & Technology (MaCT), Master in Advanced Interaction (MAI), Open Thesis Fabrication (OTF).
Given the multidisciplinary and multi-scale nature of the Master’s methodology, the exhibition content range from experimentation on new materials to scale-up proposals for new cities, using a variety of materials and supports.
This year the selected projects examine issues of the near future and propose a series of solutions in the era of experience, where technology can aid us to positively define the spaces and cities we live, grow and thrive in.
Category: Coordination, Curation, Design & Fabrication
Location: Museu d'Historia de Barcelona, Oliva Artés
Duration: 6 weeks
Scope: 200 sq. m. space, hanging and lighting restrictions, 50 pieces to showcase
Budget: 8000 euro
Coordination & Exhibition Design: Lili Tayefi
Project Management: Rodrigo Aguirre, Silvia Brandi, Marco Ingrassia
Exhibition Concept Design: Edouard Cabay, Alejandro Rodon Production: Pietro Avanzino, Jayant Khanuja, Raimund Krenmueller, Maria Kuptsova, Alfredo Mamani, Angel Muñoz, Anna Popova
Communication: Gerard Fernandez, Alice Puleo, Lina Salamanca, Lennart Wirfs
Content Curation:
Academic Director: Areti Markopoulou
Academic Coordinator: Mathilde Marengo MAA02
Coordinator: Maria Kuptsova MAA01
Coordinator: Marco Ingrassia
Can we program the spaces we inhabit to act as living organisms that respond to our emotions and our needs? Can self sufficient buildings be digitally fabricated with local and smart materials, with embodied energy or with the help of autonomous robots?
How can we use digital interfaces, gaming or augmented reality as tools to enhance public engagement when defining our cities design and operations?
Furniture Design & Execution
Design Challenges & Criteria:
200 square meters of empty space
Furniture to be independent clustered islands
Do not touch museum walls or floors
No hanging of posters or lighting from museum
Approximately 50 prototypes
Prototype sizes and proportions unknown until setup date
Material optimization
Time efficiency: in-house fabrication using CNC system
Tight budget for materials, construction, lighting, electronics, security, property rental and transportation